Final Cut Pro
Window - arrange - standard - to get the old layout of the program.
Right click - import - files - selected all the video files I want to use.
Doubled clicked the sequence to rename it. Then did File - save project as.
Imported a video file, had both audio and the video itself. Video shown in blue, audio in purple.
I deleted the audio part of the video and imported another video and did the same thing.
Using the razorblade tool I deleted the part of each video that I didnt want to use.
I needed to render my files, rendering is required everytime something is changed (but can only be done after the project has been saved). I faced some problems with rendering as sometimes the program wouldn't be responsive. To resolve this issue, I opened system settings and made sure the first one was set.
I created two videos and one working together with Anastasia & Zainab. The two I created myself were Construction and Cars. The Construction video used a few filters/ effects including sepia, earthquake and halftone. The purpose of this video is to put construction and destruction right opposite each other. The second video cars used effects including wind blur and mirror to create a surreal look. It features footage of ducks, a canal and traffic. I wanted to show how cars affect nature, so its more of a visual metaphor.